Friday, July 18, 2008

National Lampoon's European Vacation.

I am in Hamburg. As much as I would love to say it is part of my version of Lampoon's European Vacation, sadly it is not. But don't feel too sorry for me though, this is another work trip that was sprung up on me last week, which does cut into my leave somewhat, planned for this coming Saturday and now delayed to Monday much to my ever patient travelling companion's dismay. Not much has changed to our itinerary except my anticipated but short stay in Dubai being scrapped and he is already on a flight to a 'boys camping trip' somewhere in England instead. It just means for me I have a week to check out Hamburg (once again on my own - or with the gang^ if I want) on the bosses account and time.

Never having visited Dubai apart from brief stopovers like most people who've trialled Emirates or Etihad airlines, and having been advised there is not a great deal to see there (other than couples having sex on the beach), I never really thought I'd be missing much. Recently however, a couple of friends from the UK moved to Dubai, and although I now live so close, my work makes it hard for me to leave the compound for long enough to visit, so a stopover was perfect this holiday. Unfortunately it was not to be, due to this work trip (although my Dad still refuses to call my job work - he still thinks I haven't yet found the working part to my "working-holiday" that commenced late 2005). Anyhow, my next leave due in October will definitely have a Dubai stop to visit the girls with hopefully a trip to Jordan to see the Lost City of Petra and maybe Muscat, Oman.

As for THIS vacation I have planned for next week, the itinerary looks like this:
London 4 days > Ibiza, Spain 1 week > Portugal 1 week.

Stayed tuned!

^ my pilots and crew (usually 3-4 middle aged men who just want to drink beer and eat steak)

3 readers decided to share their thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Ah, I feel your pain!! Back in my bugsmasher regional days it was all about the eer & steak! Fine for a while but it does get boring... do you ever meet up with girls from other crews?? We once had a memorable night out with an EK crew in Sydney... :P

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to go to Petra since I was little and saw Indiana Jones!!

Look up Odom-Groh on Journalspace, he's done archeological digs in the region and has interesting stories to tell!! =)

GirlonTour said...

I was lucky enough to meet up with some other private crew on this very trip, the first time this has happened and coincidentally from the same region I work and also most from Oz which was refreshing and dulled the boredom somewhat. As for the Odom-Groh suggestion thanks for that! Will be sure to get onto him.