Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back in the Days....circa 2002-2005

Wow, what a difference a few years makes. I was just looking through some old back up files for some photos and found these beauties:

My first day as a Flight Attendant - EVER....wow don't I look innocent......

Meeting up with my boss. Just another day at the office.

My name printed on an overhead locker on one of the airlines planes. It was their 50th aircraft and in celebration they placed ALL staff members names on the overhead lockers. As far as I know this aircraft is still in existence with names still on board.

Oh and one of the stops for the Airbus 380's first promotional tour in Australia was Brisbane. Doesn't it look grand?

13 readers decided to share their thoughts:

Catnip said...

Whoa you're lucky!
I've always wanted to be a flight attendant :D

Traytable said...

I had this theory, that no girl looks good in that dress of theirs, but you just proved me wrong. Now how come they didn't use you in the ad, instead of that blonde? :P

The Flying Pinto said...

Lucky! I would love to meet Richard Branson! And you do look great in that dress: )

Casey Lorraine Thomas said...

Wow, you gorgeous thing! You look beautiful in these photos.


Masey said...

Some great memories their mate. And you actually snatched a shot with Sir Dick - super envious!

When are we going to see you on Twitter BTW?

Carrie Nicole said...

so lovely! what an exciting career. I would have surely had stars in my eyes that first day. it's so fun to read about your travels :)

p.s. I'm really going to try to make Cuba happen in 2010.. THANK YOU for the inspiration :)

Sky High Boy said...

Awwww looking gorgeous there!
yeah Tray you're right, the dress doesn't work on ALOT of people but when it works, it looks great!
don't get me started on the guys uniforms though. Hideous. Hideous, I say!
Yeah VBY is still busy flying around the network, esp to Perth! I'll take a picture for you with your name if I'm on it :P

Kristen's Raw said...

You are so effing cute! I love those photos of you :)

Love and Hugs,

Traytable said...

SHB, isn't that the one which had the blue livery on it?? (The 'back-to-front' one with the red tail?)

Girl on Tour said...

Hiya Tray...hee hee, yeah that dress hid a multitude of sins following the all too familiar bloating compared to the pants or the skirt.....I later replaced it with the print dress at your airline when I worked there! Was comfy to sleep in too in crew rest.

Masey - I'm going to read your post on Twitter now - thanks for the tip. I have no idea what it is all about.

Carrie - we are thinking of another trip there for Valentines next year with the same group. Let me know if you think you might be interested???

Everyone else, thank you for your kind words...big smiles!!!


Carla said...

Great photos. You make it look so glamorous.

Ingrid said...

Cool pixs ~ thanks for sharing them and your memories. :-)

Fida said...

You are soooo gourgous! Why did I never fly with you?