Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Look What I Made the Crew for Lunch Today!

Look what I made the 3 Carnivorous Air Crew on board for lunch today....(and one for meeeee!)

They polished their plates clean before I even had a chance to finish munching on mine...perhaps it was because I was talking too much hehe.

Two of the guys still wanted Feta, but for mine and one other pilot's, we had 100% RAW & Vegan.

One pilot asked, "now when I want to order this for lunch again, what do I ask for?"

I told them to tell Becci (if she is their Flight Attendant next up) that Robyn makes the best salads. Knowing how competive Becci is with her food creations, it would guarantee them a wayyyy better lunch. Hee hee. Let the competition begin.

Oh and check out this Birthday Cake Becci slaved in my kitchen making yesterday and today. Her kitchen is still lacking a few Gourmet Raw tools and she fell in love with my (ahem, ok my man's) Vita Mix Blender. Seriously, this cake was the best thing to come home to after being away for work on my birthday night last night (boo hoo). Oh that and the animals oh and of course the man ;).

This cake was AMMAAAZZZING! Can you believe not one animal was hurt in the process and it is completely RAW. Becci and I have been giggling all night though after sharing just one slice. Hmmm Carob and Cacao must make you high!

Here you go! Try a slice?

What do you think some of the ingredients might be?

8 readers decided to share their thoughts:

Airboy said...

Can I hire you ?

Liv Bambola said...

WOW! You make the whole Raw craze seem do-able! Personally, I'm not sure I could do it - but I'd love to try some of these recipes!

Those salads definitely look delicious though!

The only thing I can think of in the cake would be almond meal - but then again... What do I know?

Hope you had a fabulous birthday GoT. You most definitely deserve it.

Bambola xxx

Fly The Friendly Skies said...

You make this look so easy!

I would scarf down that salad too! Yummy.
Looks like you have a good friend who made your birthday even better. :)

Please tell us what is in that cake... i have noooo idea!

Girl on Tour said...

Oooh yeah Airboy...it's a deal!

Hey Bambola! It is easier then people think but you know you don't have to go fully raw. Even just a smoothie or a juice or a massive salad once a day, you will definitely see the benefits!

The Friendly Skies: Hey! I will reveal the recipe real soon. Becci (who made it) has to sit and write it down as she completely winged it. What a talented girl eh?

Traytable said...

Now THAT is a knife.... :P

The Flying Pinto said...

I'd like to hire you too!! Looks amazing!!!

Happy be-lated Birthday!!!!

Facecrowd said...

The cake looks absolutely amazing!..must have tasted great too..

gosh..i am hungry now..!

Grant Ryan said...

wow....i'm jealous for sure....where can i find a crew like that? I really enjoy this blog! Thanks for posting.

Grant Ryan
author of Dairy Air