Sunday, July 19, 2009

Where am I?

Hey you! I am still here, but if you want to know what I am really doing, check out my newer blog here. I am still posting on here of course, but more often at my new one as I journal my Raw and Vegan food adventures more frequently.

Don't despair though, I have an awesome trip coming up this week, so I will be sure to share some travel stories very soon.

And I am also in planning mode for our upcoming summer trip to Albania and Italy, so stay tuned for that.

Come on, come over to the other side at Girl on Raw.

2 readers decided to share their thoughts:

Carla said...

When I click on your link, it's telling me that that page does not exist. I know it does as I've visited before. :(

Girl on Tour said...

Hiya Carla! Yes it is happening to me too. I will look into it. In the mean time is the web address.
