Sunday, November 16, 2008

Swiss Ball Beijing


It was definitely not to be expected, but when in Rome (or China) why not do as the Swiss ex pats do and goto a Swiss Ball.

One of my work colleagues happened to acquire several invitations to the Annual Swiss Ball, put on for the Swiss-French community in Beijing every fall, on my recent visit. (I have seriously been away from Australia too long if I am now calling autumn fall). Why not, I thought. It is not like I will ever again have the opportunity to say I went to a Swiss Ball in Beijing. And I was in the perfect city to get a dress made in less than 24 hours.

On arrival to the Fire & Ice themed ball, we were directed to our table close to the front of the stage, where we met a Swiss ex pat adventure holiday specialist (his specialty - camping overnight on the Great Wall), Swiss/English newlyweds having only arrived to live in Beijing 6 months earlier, and a few other couples from mixed backgrounds. We had missed the fire twirling and pre dinner champagne and canapes however I think we were both happy to have been tardy for the Great Wall of China visit was earlier that day.

The meals were interspersed with entertainment, ranging from contortionists, to my highlight, Silvan Zingg, Switzerland's answer to Little Richard. He is often dubbed the "Boogie Woogie King of Switzerland" and despite his obvious talent for the piano, he was also very charismatic and of course handsome. He was self taught from the age of 5; impressive! His enthusiasm on stage was engaging even if I had no interest in the music genre beforehand.

Between courses, sorbets were served from a beautiful ice sculpture keeping in with the fire & ice theme, and on departure, dessert carts and an ice cream stand were scattered throughout the foyer for pick up for the taxi ride home. All this and a goodie bag to boot, including (of course) some delicious Lindt chocolates, local vouchers (one was a discount voucher for some cosmetic surgery - oh dear!) and a Victornox passport & document holder.

In the end I didn't end up getting a dress made and just went with a good old faithful I had packed for 'just in case'. The night was a hoot and certainly was a nice change from the ordinary lay over.

Next stop; Singapore.



4 readers decided to share their thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Cool, sounds like a great night. Got any Lindt left over??? ;)

Liv Bambola said...

oh woah! Sounds like awesome fun. And yes, you should be worried... It's Autumn...not fall. :( Maybe a trip home is in order.

As long as you still call them thongs, not flip flops I think it will be ok.

Anonymous said...

Hello Girl on Tour,
sounds like you had a fun night!

Thanks for following my blog!Where did you find out about it?

I just started it!

I am going to join Emirates in a approx. a month. I looove travelling so much!

I saw your blog before and I think it is a great one!Its fun to read. I will add your link to my blog too. Have a nice day,


Fida said...

Gee, I am Swiss and I never bothered to attend an expat Swiss ball here in Canada. Reading through your report and finding out how much fun you had - I just might have to.